

Thanks for visiting my little gallery. This site is my way of documenting my adventures, big and small, and sharing them with the world. I hope you leave this blog a little bit happier.

Baby Birds at the Lake

Baby Birds at the Lake

My family has always seen a ton of different animals pass through our yard at the lake, but this year we've had some new visitors.

one of the babies 

one of the babies 

For the first time ever, there has been a family of partridges (!!) living in our yard. 

So far I've seen a mother and seven babies. The babies are scared of people and will run back to their mother if you get too close, so I had to move very slowly and zoom in to get any pictures of them. 

Mother bird waiting for the babies

Mother bird waiting for the babies

Only the mother doesn't seem to be bothered by people at all. She's let me walk right up to her and just looks at me. 

I've seen the whole family quite a few times and they seem to be pretty happy. One of the cutest things to watch is when the babies split up and run through the bushes. You can hear them moving but you'll only see the tops of the plants move from side to side as they pass through.

Here's hoping that they're here to stay. 

What to Put In a Letter To a Pen Pal

What to Put In a Letter To a Pen Pal